Lets talk about Potty Training.
The time in our child’s development we so look forward to (can spend the nappy money on so much else other than wee and pooh ? and so dreaded accidents and clean ups and negotiations at the most inopportune moments)
Some Information:
It`s very important that the Child is ready for the big step.
- This will generally be indicated by them wanting to go to toilet or pulling down their clothing.
- The child tells you “I made pipi” right after they did.
- It is when they want to use the toilet/potty and are refusing the napkin
- They are excited about the Pull-ups
- They mimic sitting on the toilet
This is when the child has the highest interest.
When you feel your Child is ready, a step by step process is best
Talk to the child about it and demonstrate
- Use books
- Ask them if they want to use the Potty or Toilet (if they refuse, don’t worry – leave for a while, try to motivate them or do a Ritual)
- Go with the Child in set time periods to toilet so that they get used to the process
- Remind them to go in set time periods (so as not to forget. If they refuse, accept and remind them minutes later – works)
- Control is also being emphasized – child tries to go, feels the motion or knows he does not need to.
Accidents is the name of the game at the start, during and even at the end and after Potty Training.
Do not worry- this is the further lesson in control the little ones need to master.
Speak about accidents- ensuring that the child does not feel unduly upset about these. So make light of accidents.
Daily toilet training is mood dependent so if it’s going to be a napkin day, it’s a napkin day – no worries. Try again the next day.
A 2/3 day stint is generally the best introduction as it negates interruptions like traveling etc.
Napkins at the beginning for traveling and sleep time is recommended. This can be weaned as control improves.
Independence is a natural need of a child from the time he starts potty training- they want to do it by themselves.
Tricky period in terms of wiping and cleanliness. This has to be a stepped process.
A wet wipe check for pooh is a good way to ensure that you are aware of pooh times.
Getting your child to say they are going to the toilet is the ideal.
They tend to not want to do this as the process continues so wet wipe, sticker, etc. can be used as an incentive to let you know until the process is mastered.
Just a little reminder, every child is different. This process can be very quick and easy or take a little longer.
Also, what works for one may not work for another.
Build your Toilet Training Rapport with your little one – you’ve got this. ?